Wednesday, May 1, 2013
ED-279 Task_ 3- Reflection"
1. Share the web address url of your groups ScreenR presentation.
2. Reflect on your contributions and how you contributed to making your group a success?
My contributions for my group was ongoing, the fact of working in groups "no matter what" problems will occur and for me is over-looking the matter and continuing to get the assignment done. However, I enjoyed this class emensly and learned a lot through the use of technology..... I remember having to meet with my instructor because having to get all "freak-out" about where to begin within this course, but I am so thankful for the help, support, and peer-feedback, have kept my group grounded in completing our assignments. Could have not done it alone, I depended on my group and they came through.... Mahalo, to Team Tech-Know, most of all "biggest Mahalo" instructor Brent, for your response and encouraging words.... =o)
Sunday, April 28, 2013
" Task_3-6 Reflection"
Why is it important to use teams in PBL?
Working in a group is helpful toward workload assignments. As a group you can evenly share the assignments whereas, everyone is able to share different resources, feed-backs, that relates to problem-base learning and more so having a topic such as this, is filled with many informational resources.
What are some of the problems you see in student-teams:
Lack of communications, sharing ongoing responsibilities through peer-feed back, not participating with full-potential, laziness, missing in action, excuses.
What strategies can you use to manage conflict in student teams:
Having to be supportive, engaged through contacting group-members by sending out e-mails, posting through forums, staying focus on the postive instead of negativity.
Did the group have any questions or problems this week:
Questions were ongoing as well as problems, but we tend to solve the problems and questions as we continue to work in unity. realizing what is the importance of leardership, peer-sharings, forum-feed backs, continues to help each and everyone within our group to over-look the obsticles and complete given assignments.
Friday, April 19, 2013
"Task_3-5 Reflection" Week (14) and (15)
Group #1 Team Tech-Know
1. What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
I have posted (deliverable a,b) links, whereas my group was able to follow the given assignment for this week.
a. debrief questions, website resources, assignment explanation. (Thomas / Jasmine)
b. rubric, assessments and feed-back. (Charez / Sherri-Ann)
2. What role did you play on your team this week?
I was this weeks facilitator, therefore sending e-mails, assignment information, added resources was evenly shared among the group-members.
(Over-All View for Google-Document) (Melonie Asinsin)
3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
e-mails are my on-going contact with my group, I tend to (joke) with them in the e-mail and try to keep everyone grounded in what is expected out of all of us as a group.
4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week
No, because I kept them inform through (added-resources) in which help them to understand what their role-play is and pair-them up together, whereas they could help each other.
1. What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
I have posted (deliverable a,b) links, whereas my group was able to follow the given assignment for this week.
a. debrief questions, website resources, assignment explanation. (Thomas / Jasmine)
b. rubric, assessments and feed-back. (Charez / Sherri-Ann)
2. What role did you play on your team this week?
I was this weeks facilitator, therefore sending e-mails, assignment information, added resources was evenly shared among the group-members.
(Over-All View for Google-Document) (Melonie Asinsin)
3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
e-mails are my on-going contact with my group, I tend to (joke) with them in the e-mail and try to keep everyone grounded in what is expected out of all of us as a group.
4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week
No, because I kept them inform through (added-resources) in which help them to understand what their role-play is and pair-them up together, whereas they could help each other.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Week #13 "Task_3-4 Reflection"
1. What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
My contribution to my group, finding information that reflects using (authentic-assessments) within classroom settings. How teachers would apply such task, the different techniques used, what would benefit students learning-skills, and the outcome of students learning. Therefore, posting video's from (youtube) and also finding a website page how schools incorporates such assessments.
2. What role did you play on your team this week?
My role-play, was to critique groups interaction, whereas what information were contributed, how it reflects our (google-doc) and the resources of reading comprehension, learning-skills, and problem-solving within the classroom.
3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
I would send them e-mails to start their day on the positive-side, such as asking how they are doing? joking around, and just to keep them focus on what needs to be done during the week.
4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
Many questions, mixed understandings about what to do, where to start, who is doing what? I would intervene in sending the link for the week assignments, try to break-it down whereas they could understand, but still keeping everyone on the same page. again, group interaction will always have its problem, is how each individual will learn how to work with each other and more so to continue to be supportive of each other. I tend to be the (NT) negotiator the in between of people contact is something I think is needed when working in groups project.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Week #12 "Task_3.3 Reflection"
1. What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
I contributed video and websites that reflected the use of technology within classroom settings.
2. What role did you play on your team this week?
My role this week was just to find informative websites, video's, contacted (peers) through e-mail, updating them in Current Events, helping group members to keep focus on assignment task.
3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
I try to continue sending e-mails, in which will motivate their thoughts and help them to keep going. although, some of my group members seem to be facing challenges, I feel as a group we need to be there for each other.
4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week
Yes, I guess we finish our (google-doc) ahead of time, having to contribute to the document itself some of my group members tend to get confuse following what is assigned for the week task. However, I try to support them by sending the assignment task (link) whereas they are able to (click) and follow the directions. I feel the importance of doing these project is to keep group members inform, help them in every which way that I can and more so, not to get (angry) in what I do. I see why this project is so important, having to be going into teaching, I will encounter these problems in a "real classroom settings"..... and as a teacher there are no boundary toward helping your students who is in distress!
I contributed video and websites that reflected the use of technology within classroom settings.
2. What role did you play on your team this week?
My role this week was just to find informative websites, video's, contacted (peers) through e-mail, updating them in Current Events, helping group members to keep focus on assignment task.
3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
I try to continue sending e-mails, in which will motivate their thoughts and help them to keep going. although, some of my group members seem to be facing challenges, I feel as a group we need to be there for each other.
4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week
Yes, I guess we finish our (google-doc) ahead of time, having to contribute to the document itself some of my group members tend to get confuse following what is assigned for the week task. However, I try to support them by sending the assignment task (link) whereas they are able to (click) and follow the directions. I feel the importance of doing these project is to keep group members inform, help them in every which way that I can and more so, not to get (angry) in what I do. I see why this project is so important, having to be going into teaching, I will encounter these problems in a "real classroom settings"..... and as a teacher there are no boundary toward helping your students who is in distress!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Week (11) Current Event Topic
Global Teachers - The World is Flat
Article Source:
Here is a teacher who teaches in the Philippines, his philosophy toward technology is bringing the fun into studying, having students engaged with much expectations in what they learn through having access to the internet connection. In additional, having to be a English teacher the essential of using the internet provides his students with information that they use toward their classroom assignments. However, his point of view having to "surf" different websites throughout the internet can display explicit images, and vulgar context that having to monitor students would be the best results. Nonetheless, in his own opinion the helpful resources whereas, students are able to do researches that helps them within their grammar, writing-skills, cognitive-thinking skill, motivating them into the 21st century, just by a "click" of the finger, as he put it in his own words.
Week (11) Task _ 3-2 Reflection
Team-Tech Know |
(Jasmine)- was in charge of the scenario
(Cherez / Sherri-Ann) - Internet Skills
(Thomas)- Parent Letter in (Google-doc)
(Melonie)-(SLO) Read Out-Loud
2. Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?
This week, I was the (facilitator) and contributed to the (SLO) readings.
3. What worked well this week?
My group contributed to work assignment and therefore I have no complaints.
4. What will you do differently next time?
Its really hard to make a prediction, but I will continue to help and support my group in the best way possible.
Week (11) Task _ 3-2 SLO
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"The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book." |
Team- Tech Know
Melonie (Facilitator)
Here at Ala Ike school, we hope to create a learning environment where students can experience 21st century learning. With Problem-Based Learning (PBL) we can achieve this goal. Research has shown that using PBL is effective and can increase student engagement, support student’s problem solving skills, and helps students with “real world” situations. Not only do students benefit from PBL by having them be responsible for directing learning, defining and analyzing problems, and creating solutions, but teachers also benefit because it will encourage students to attend class and study more.
A few websites you can visit to learn more about PBL:
Some of the students have concerns of their own, they feel unmotivated, things may be unengaging, and the teacher may not connect to every student’s personal learning style. With our 21st century way of learning, technology is intertwined with many lessons. A lot of educational games, computers, and even iPads are involved with our activities creating an environment where students are always engaged. We’ve done research on how we can connect to students on every learning style using our technology. Having all these technologies in the classroom will also have to students motivated because it makes the classroom a fun place to be in. A good learning environment provides students with a place they don’t want to leave and will continue to learn.
Read-Out Loud (SLO) 4th-grade Comprehensive reading ability
1. Students will read a book of choice, fictional or nonfictional.
2. Students will be given (5-10) minutes of reading time.
3. Students will need to create a story explaining what they have read.
a) Introducing the topic of their story
b) The Author and Illustrator
c) Students will write and draw about their book choice.
Students Learning Outcome:
Through this assignment, students are able to analyze what the story is about and what have captivated their individual attention toward the book they have chosen. In addition, students will display their work through writing and drawing a picture representing what was interesting about the story, and why things happen the way it did, formatting a story-telling sentence. Through this given assignment, students are able to learn how to critique, format, and design their own story comprehension just by explaining what they have learn through their own individual readings.
Other resource students are able to incorporate, having access to websites such as (Kidbiz) whereas; students are able to challenge their vocabulary understanding through different game strategies through spelling, pronunciations, and writing skills each students will have to meet certain percentage either to pass each reading level. In addition, teacher is able to monitor their reading comprehension taking data-reflecting student’s comprehensive reading level.
1. Computer, (internet access)
2. Choice of reading level
3. Reading comprehension, vocabulary skills, reading materials.
As a fourth grader, did you ever wonder how much tree’s are being used to create the books you are reading? After you create your story and picture, we are going to explore how books are made and if there are other options to help save trees. We are going to use the internet and look at other books for ideas on how we can recycle. After we do some research, we will then create our own recycled paper and create a story of our own.
Task _3-2 SLO Question (1)
What exactly do you intend for the students to learn in your scenario that they may not learn as well through other kinds of lessons?
Students will not only read stories, but will be able to understand the importance behind the book that they read. In addition, understanding the concept of recycling materials toward the caring of nature and its environmental surroundings students are able to visualize the significant toward recycling materials.
What will you do to determine if the students start out with the right prerequisites to succeed in your scenario?
As a teacher, I have accomplished my lesson planning toward having my students to comprehend the reasons behind such projects whereas, they are able to contribute toward a good cause by the recycling materials. In addition, I feel my students will begin to not only understand, but to appreciate within their own community that nature and its surrounding have a important impact toward their life-span as they continue to grow and succeed toward the future.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Week #10 "Task_3-1 Reflection"
1. What roles did the members of your team have this week?
(Thomas) our week #10 facilitator
(Jasmine) was to do the scenario break-down regards to (PBL) problem-base learning
(Cherez / Sherri-Ann) responsible for three internet skills posting
(Melonie) created word-document for (SLO) student learning outcome / share video's, websites.
2. Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?
My given assignment was to create a word-document regarding to (SLO) therefore, I have created a format that reflects toward students reading ability such as, comprehensive reading level, writing skills, vocabulary text, whereas students needed to comprehend their reading and also critique on what they have read displaying their work with drawings and sentences which the emphasis are relating toward formatting their work, spelling, and being creative through their own cognitive thinking arrangement.
3. What worked well this week?
Truthfully, having to send out e-mails and examples for (google documents), reminders just so everyone would be on the same page. It was challenging whereas, I knew we would encounter some problems.
4. What will you do differently next time?
nothing, but to continue help and support my group in the best way possible.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Debrief Question Task #2
In your Blog please reflect and respond to the following questions:
Having completed this review of a web 2.0 tool would you use this tool in your classroom?
yes, having different lesson plans helps to organize your weekly, monthly, semester planning.
Prior to this activity, how did you typically select website or tools to use?
I love going to (YouTube) as a visual learner, this helps me to understands formats, toward learning skills.
Do you have any ideas, comments or feedback on improving the web 2.0 tool selection process
The only concerns, is first understanding how to incorporate such learning tools, but the beneficial part about
the learning process is the outcome of your students learning skills.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Week #7 ED-279 Usage of 2.0 Tools
Group #1 (Tech-Know)
(Facilitator) Melonie Asinsin (aka) NT-Mel
The usage of (2.0) tools within the classroom is something very helpful when it comes to doing class presentations, homework assignments, grade checking, is just some of the helpful tools that schools incorporate toward classroom settings. As a future teacher these tools helps to condense your workload such as, when grading students homework an app such as (EDMODO) helps teachers to create their own grade-book, quizzes, voting polls, are features this particular tool is able to modify within the usage of technology. Another app called (Voki) helps with students knowledge sharing through critique, mapping, organizing their thoughts within seconds through helpful formats, page layouts, useful imagery settings. Additional to these helpful tools is for everyone not only toward school but publicly whereas, its something that you don't have to purchase and through the use of technology these tools are free to the public. A person is able to download such app and begin to use it toward their own advantage. Although, having to be "Old-School" having to learn the process of these apps make learning a lot easier and at times challenging when first learning how to use it. For example, creating a blog through the usage of different websites like (google, twitter, diigo,) condensing your information into one theses tools become helpful. Another example for this an app called (Word-Press) whereas with this particular tool you are able to create a class-blog among students for reading assignments, versatility toward students up-grades toward classroom assignments. Nonetheless, as a group the websites that each member have presented resembles over (100)-apps that is incorporated through the use of education worldwide in which helps to modify the importance of the 21st-century.
(Facilitator) Melonie Asinsin (aka) NT-Mel
Here's a Video that represents the usage of 2.0 tools
Friday, January 18, 2013
Debrief Questions Week (1)
Task #1 (Deliverable)
Debrief Questions:
Prior to this activity, did you use any of these software tools?
No, I have never used such tools.
If so which ones, do you plan to continue managing the new resources that you have gathered in your personal learning network?
No, and yes having the experience to learn how to use such tools is "awesome" and even better when you see the over-all completion.
Do you think that a refined personal learning network would be valuable to a new teacher?
Yes, most definitely it is essential to learning comprehensive, cognitive thinking, hands on learning skills for many generations young or old to benefit from and gain knowledge through technology and its wonderful usage.
Debrief Questions:
Prior to this activity, did you use any of these software tools?
No, I have never used such tools.
If so which ones, do you plan to continue managing the new resources that you have gathered in your personal learning network?
No, and yes having the experience to learn how to use such tools is "awesome" and even better when you see the over-all completion.
Do you think that a refined personal learning network would be valuable to a new teacher?
Yes, most definitely it is essential to learning comprehensive, cognitive thinking, hands on learning skills for many generations young or old to benefit from and gain knowledge through technology and its wonderful usage.
Group #1 Week (2) Current Events
Group Name: Tech-Know
Melonie Asinsin (Facilitator)
As a group we have chosen this website, because the representation signifies the interactions with students as well as their teacher. We are in the 21st-century the usage of technology happens to be the alternative and most valuable assets among the younger generations of today. Teachers communication as well as interactions shows improvement toward learning skills have given the world of education a positive feedback. Therefore, having to instill such technical usage like the (Mimio) boards into schools helps with assignments that is given through teacher and students contact. This particular board is used to draw, graph, problem solving, its display over a big screen and viewed as if you are watching a movie whereas students are engaged and able to do assignments along with the teacher. I realize that most children are visual learners and this example of the (Mimio) white board helps to build their cognitive learning skills in which establishes the foundation within technology education. Nonetheless, times have changed and therefore technology have given a better perspective by inventing something that will help students worldwide.
Instructional Example "Mimio Board"
Melonie Asinsin (Facilitator)
Our mascot is the IPAD because it represents the 21st-century |
Monday, January 7, 2013
Self Introduction
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Aloha, my name is Melonie Asinsin (aka) NT-MelFavorite Technology Gadget
Cell Phone Having to use my desk computer and cell phone keeps me inform with the world, but limited to knowing how to use other (gadgets) is why I have enroll in this class because during my time of schooling back in the 70's was hand held (calculators) or manual (typewriters) =o) Well, my work style that I have is being (visual) or (kinetic) I have just learned how to use face-time, whereas my nieces and nephew's calls me periodically since having to be living in the mainland is how we keep in contact. I also have an (ipad) in which I use a lot for homework use, taking notes, and recording lectures in class. |
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